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Healing from Trauma

In order for emotional healing from trauma from our life,
We need to face the truth – no matter how hard we must fight.
For to try to face our fears and horror from our past,
We must be brave and realize that some healing isn´t fast.

Often we grow impatient when we want this pain to end,
Yet the quicker we begin to understand ourselves we can begin to mend.
The trauma that has wounded you must be taken care,
For an untreated infection will grow, and your heart will severely, tare.

It takes all of us to make a choice to always self-improve,
For God will help you if you ask and He will even prove,
Prove his marvelous love that goes way beyond our minds,
For the Lord wants us to thrive, and His love for all to find.

So face each trial and challenge each day one step at a time,
When moving forward, don´t give up, for such peace you can find,
Cast out all the negatives feeling of hurt and don´t hold on,
For past hurts are not worth more grief for God´s work has just begun!

Joy Keeton Thompson

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Hand Crafted as of: 16:27 7/1/2010 · R.B.S. Enterprises · Poetry by Joy Keeton Thompson Copyright© 2010 · All rights reserved.